1. Department of Basic Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, University of Education, Winneba, GHANA
Government, through the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment implemented new educational reforms in 2019. Paramount among the tenets in the new reforms is information and communication technology (ICT). However, there was an inadequate research on mathematics teachers’ familiarity and competency levels. The study, as proscribed in the positivist paradigm, applied a descriptive survey design in a cross section of the participants. All 75 mathematics teachers from the public junior high schools were conveniently sampled and participated in this study. In the instrumentation, the researchers used the structured questionnaire to collect data. With the help of statistical package for service solutions version 25, the researchers analyzed the data through the means and their associated standard deviations. It came to light that student-teachers’ moderate familiarity and competency level of integrating ICT in mathematics instruction was predominant. Notwithstanding, familiarity level was a significant predictor of their competency level. It was thus suggested that mathematics teachers should take matters of familiarity and competency levels as key factors determining ICT integration for mathematics instruction.