Volume of geometric solids on the Desmos platform – A didactic experience in Cape Verde


Machado Daniel1ORCID,Bastos Nuno23ORCID,Hall Andreia3ORCID,Pais Sónia4ORCID


1. EPCV–Portuguese School of Cape Verde, Cape Verde, PORTUGAL

2. Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Viseu, PORTUGAL

3. CIDMA–Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, PORTUGAL

4. CiTUR–Center for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation, Polytechnic of Leiria, Leiria, PORTUGAL


This work intends to disseminate a didactic experience in mathematics, in times of pandemic, in an emergency remote teaching situation, at the Portuguese School of Cape Verde, using the Desmos digital platform. The topic addressed was the study of the volume of geometric solids. The main objective was to contribute to the learning of mathematical concepts, using digital tools that promote students’ autonomy while respecting their learning pace, thus improving teaching practices through more assertive methodologies and more innovative resources.<br /> In order to understand how the Desmos platform contributes to improve the learning of geometry an explanatory case study was conducted. The participants in the study are 9th grade students from a Cape Verde school. Preliminary analysis of the data collected through several techniques, using diverse data collecting mechanisms, indicates that the contribution is very positive with clear advantages in the construction of knowledge on the part of the students, centered in a logic of skill development.


Bastas Publications



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