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2. Thomas B. Gukeisen, The Operational Art of Blitzkrieg: Its Strengths and Weaknesses in Systems Perspective, 33.
3. Harlan K. Ullman, “Shock and Awe a Decade and a Half Later” Features PRISM 2, No. 1: 79-86; Risks, An Arms Control Association Report, September 2021, 4.
4. Daniel C. Sproull, “Kinetic Energy Weapons the Beginning of an Interagency Challenge,” Features Inter Agency Journal 8, no. 2, (2017): 63.
5. Anders Wivel, “Security Dilemma,” in International Encyclopedia of Political Science, eds., Badie Bertrand, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Morlino (New York: Sage Publications, 2011), 2390.