New spring barley variety Tolkan of fodder-grain use


Pakul V. N.1ORCID,Martynova S. V.1ORCID


1. Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The aim of the research is to make a comprehensive assessment of the new spring barley variety Tolkan of fodder grain use according to the economically valuable traits. Studies were carried out in 2016-2019. By the method of intraspecific hybridization of geographically distant forms and direction individual selection from the hybrid population of Pamos x Bankuti Korai, the new spring barley variety Tolkan has been developed. The variety is highly productive, of mid-ripening type, the growing season is 85 days, the average yield over the years of research was 5.4 t/ha, which exceeds the Biom standard variety by 0.8 t/ha (LSD05 = 0.15), the maximum yield is 7.7 t/ha. The main element of productivity is the mass of grain per head 0.97 g, which has a close reliable relationship with the yield, r = 0.96 (reliability threshold at the level of 5 %, R = 0.88), the variety is mostly adapted to environmental conditions, Cv = 30.2 % (Biom standard variety − 36.7 %). It is characterized by large grain, the average absolute grain mass forthe years of research is 51.0 g, maximum - 63.0 g, by high resistance to lodging at a plant height of 57 to 94 cm, by immunity to loose smut and barley smut (absence of damage on an infectious background). When studying the variety in the production test of 2018-2019 according to the bare fallow predecessor, the yield for the first sowing period (May 7-11) was 4.14 t/ha, for the Biom standard variety − 3.27 t/ha (LSD05 = 0.46), forthe second period (May 13-19) − 3.64 t/ha, for the standard variety − 2.4 t/ha (LSD05 = 0.39 t/ha). On the basis of the comprehensive assessment Tolkan spring barley variety was transferred to the state test in 2019.


FARC of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitskogo

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