1. Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N. V. Rudnitsky
The genotypes of potatoes bred by Falenki Breeding station were studied for the presence of resistance genes markers to the following pathogens: Globodera rostochiensis, Globodera pallidа, Synchytrium endobioticum, potato virus X (PVХ) and potato virus Y (PVY). The method of multiplex PCR analysis was used. The varieties Shurminsky 2, Alisa, Viza, Chayka, Ognivo, Darik, Gloriya, Golubka, Virazh and a promising variety sample 56-09 were studied. In most (8 out of 10) genotypes, marker linked to the Sen1 gene of resistance to S. endobioticum was identified. DNA marker of the G. rostochiensis resistance gene (H1) and the G. pallida resistance gene marker (Gpa2) were found in six genotypes. The marker of the PVX resistance gene (Rx1) was detected in the varieties Shurminsky 2, Alisa, Chayka, Golubka, and Virazh. It has been established that none of the studied potato genotypes carries markers RYSC3, Ry186, YES3-3A linked to the PVY resistance genes. Although in the field, resistance was detected in the samples Chayka, Darik, Virazh, Alisa. Molecular markers linked to the largest number of resistance genes studied (H1, Gpa2, Sen1, and Rx1) were identified in the varieties Shurminsky 2, Golubka, and Virazh. Among the DNA markers used in the work, the data of potato genotype assessment using markers of virus resistance genes (PVX, RYSC3, Ry186, YES3-3A) were less consistent with field observations. The use of molecular markers makes it possible to determine the presence of resistance genes and assess the prospects of a sample in a short period of time, but, at the same time, requires careful choice of a DNA marker that is highly correlated with the manifestation of the trait.
FARC of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitskogo
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