The obtaining potato microtubers on the basis of optimization of in vitro cultivation conditions


Somova E. N.1ORCID,Markova M. G.1ORCID,Vlasevskaya E. A.1ORCID


1. Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Search work for optimization of such conditions for in vitro cultivation of potatoes as photoperiod, volume of nutrient medium, choice of a source of carbohydrate nutrition and its concentration, as well as growth regulators of auxin and cytokinin nature, was carried out in 2018-2020. Potato microplants of early-ripening (Alena, Latona, Red-Scarlett), middle-early (Adretta, Charodei, Svitanok Kievsky) and mid-season (Naiada, Ladozhskiy, Skarb) varieties were cultivated at illumination of 75-85 mMol/m2 s-1, 6500 K, air temperature 22...25 °C, relative air humidity 70-75 % and photoperiod from 4 to 16 hours. The results of three years of research have shown that the Murashige-Skooga nutrient medium modified by the Russian Potato Research Center with a 6 % sucrose concentration in a volume of 10 ml per microplant and a 12-hour photoperiod were optimal for micro-tuberization during in vitro cultivation of potatoes of all ripeness groups. The interaction of these cultivation conditions made it possible to obtain an average of 2.5 pcs. of microtubers per microplant of early-ripening potato varieties, 2.4 pcs. - middle-early and 3.2 pcs. - mid-season varieties. Optimal methods of in vitro cultivation of potatoes served as the basis for a new technique for obtaining potato microtubers. If this method was followed, the share of microplants with microtubers of early-ripening varieties increased by 6 %, middle-early varieties - by 12 % and mid-season ones - by 9 %. In addition, the duration of the micro-tuberization period in middle-early varieties was reduced by 14 days, in early-ripening and mid-season potato varieties by 28 days. Microplants of early-ripening and middle-early potato varieties formed larger microtubers, while mid-season varieties were in the lead in terms of quantitative yield.


FARC of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitskogo

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