Parameters of adaptability and stability of winter durum wheat varieties according to various forecrops in the Rostov region


Alabushev A. V.1ORCID,Makarova T. S.1ORCID,Samofalova N. E.1ORCID,Ilichkina N. P.1ORCID,Dubinina O. A.1ORCID


1. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Agricultural Research Center «Donskoy»


The article summarizes the study results of adaptability parameters of winter durum wheat depending on its forecrop. The study was carried out in the Rostov region in 2015-2017. As the objects of the study there have been used 8 winter durum wheat varieties ‘Donchanka’, ‘Amazonka’, ‘Agat Donskoy’, ‘Kristella’, ‘Lazurit’, ‘Oniks’, ‘Diona’ and ‘Eyrena’. The variety ‘Donchanka’ was taken as a standard variety. In the field trials the varieties were sown after weedfree and green fallows, and after such forecrops as peas, sunflower and maize for grain. The obtained data showed that green fallow was the most favorable forecrop for winter durum wheat, an average yield of which was 7.69 t/ha. When sown after various forecrops, all varieties had different adaptability parameters. The best forecrops were weedfree fallow (‘Kristella’ with 7.78 t/ha, ‘Lazurite’ with 7.74 t/ha), green fallow (‘Agat Donskoy’ with 8.30 t/ha, ‘Lazurit’ with 8.46 t/ha) and peas (‘Oniks’ with 7.41 t/ha, ‘Diona’ with 8.11 t/ha). Among the whole set of the varieties, the variety ‘Agat Donskoy’ (bi>1) proved to be the most highly responsive, while maintaining in most cases high stable yields (si2 <1), productivity of the varieties sown after all forecrops, except sunflower, was 6.93-8.30 t/ha. With productivity increase of 1 t/ha, it improved its indicator (bi) by 1.16-5.15 t/ha. The variety ‘Eyrena’ is recommended for cultivation on an extensive background, since through the years of study it turned out to be the least responsive - with productivity increase by 1 t/ha, it improved its indicator (bi) by 0.01-0.55 t/ha after such forecrops as peas, sunflower and maize for silage.


FARC of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitskogo

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