«Energosil» in the diets of replacement gilts


Suvorov A. A.1,Gayirbegov в Sh.1,Fedin A. S.1,Guryanov A. M.2ORCID


1. National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University.

2. Mordovia Research Agricultural Institute – Branch of Federal Agrarian Research Center of the North-East named N.V.Rudnitsky.


The article gives scientific substantiation of using silicon-containing new feed additive “Energosil” for replacement gilts. The studies were conducted in pig-breeding complex of the Center for Practical Training of Agricultural Specialists in Mordovia Republic. There were three experimental groups of replacement gilts (10 animals each). The effect of various dosages of Energosil (5.0, 7.5, and 10 mg per kg of body weight) on digestibility, nutrient utilization, and animal growth energy was studied. The most optimal dosage of a new feed additive in their rations was revealed, which constituted 5 mg / kg of the animal live weight. It was established that the animals from the first experimental group, who received silicon-containing feed additives of this amount digested the nutrients of the diet better than their counterparts from the other groups. Compared to the control group, the digestibility of dry matter increased by 3.62% (p<0.05), organic matter by 3.29% (p<0.01), crude protein by 4.09% (p<0.001), fat by 4.30% (p<0.01), cellulose by 3.79% (p<0.01) and nitrogen-free extractives by 2.03% (p>0.05).Replacement gilts of the first experimental group, who were given Energosil in the amount of 5 mg / kg body weight in addition to the basic ration, retained nitrogen in their bodies by 17.1%, calcium by 55.9% and phosphorus by 69.7% more than their counterparts from the control group. It contributed to an increase in body weight of gilts from the first group compared to control counterparts by 10.8%. Increased dosages of Energosil (7.5 and 10 mg / kg body weight) also had a better effect on the growth energy of gilts compared with the control group. The feed additive in the amount of 7.5 mg kg of animal  live weight contributed to an increase in animal weight compared with control counterparts by 6.21 kg or 4.8% (p<0.05), with a third experimental group by 4.4 kg or by 3.4% (p<0.05). When given Energosil in the dosage of 10 mg/kg, the body weight of gilts from the third experimental group was higher by 1.81 kg or 1.4% (p> 0.05) compared with the control counterparts.


FARC of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitskogo

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