Study of breeding numbers of cocksfoot in the conditions of the Komi Republic


Sharapova I. E.1ORCID,Kosolapova T. V.1ORCID


1. A. V. Zhuravsky Institute of Agro-Biotechnologies of Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Among perennial fodder plants сocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L) is the crop recommended for the creation of earlymaturing herbage in the production of hay and haylage. The article presents the data of a comprehensive assessment in the field of 7 breeding samples of сocksfoot of the second year of use (2020) to identify the most promising ones matched to the soil and climatic conditions of the North. High winter hardiness (4-5 points) of the breeding samples of сocksfoot was noted in the conditions of the Komi Republic in 2019-2020. No disease or pest affection of the plants was noted during the growing season of 2020. The yield of dry matter for two cuttings at the level of the control variant (9.8 t/ha) was provided by cocksfoot samples СН-188, СН-185 and СН-1816 (10.2, 10.0 and 9.3 t/ha, respectively, LSD05 = 1.1 t/ha). The studied cocksfoot samples did not differ significantly and were at the level of the control according to the quality of the fodder mass. During the earing stage a high content of crude protein (13.63…15.10 %) was noted in breeding samples СН-188, 185, 184, 1816, for the control sample this index was 12.18%. The analysis of the seed productivity structure for the studied cocksfoot samples showed that the following samples had increased the control in the length of inflorescences (14.5±0.9 cm) ‒ CH-185 (16.9±1.1 cm), CH-1817 (17.6±1.0 cm), CH-188 (18.7±1.1 cm). According to the weight of 1000 seeds, the breeding samples were slightly inferior to the control (1.26 g, LSD05 = 0.06 g). According to seed productivity, no significant advantages were detected in all studied samples (+2.0...15.8 g/m2) compared with the control (66.4 g/m2, LSD05 = 16.4 g/m2). As the result of the comprehensive assessment the most promising breeding samples of cocksfoot have been noted. They are CH-188, CH-185 (Komi population) and CH-1816 (Finnish population).


FARC of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitskogo

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1. Perennial grasses in the south of Primorsky kray;E3S Web of Conferences;2024

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