Application of microsatellites in population genetic studies of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) (review)


Kharzinova V. R.1ORCID,Zinovieva N. A.1ORCID


1. Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L. K. Ernst


Over a few past decades, theoretical, analytical, and methodological advances in genetics have revolutionized population genetic research, providing a better understanding of evolutionary processes and the history of populations and species. Methodologically, this progress is largely due to the invention of polymerase chain reaction technology and the introduction of microsatellite DNA markers. This review discusses trends in the use of microsatellite markers as effective tools for solving a wide range of issues in population genetics, conservation and evolutionary biology of the only species of the genus Rangifer – reindeer. Based on the analysis of both experimental and review publications (78 sources) of the scientific teams of the Russian Federation, Canada, the United States of America, Ireland, Japan, China, Norway the first works on the successful amplification of reindeer microsatellites have been summarized. There has been demonstrated the significance of the data of markers for studying intra- and inter-population diversity, differentiation, genetic relationships, the impact of anthropogenic factors on genetic diversity and genetic isolation of populations, as well as for reconstructing the evolutionary history of the various reindeer forms.


FARC of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitskogo

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