1. 1) C. C. Davis and J. T. Blake:“The Chemistry and Technology of Rubber”, Reinfold Publishing Corp., New York, N. Y., 1937.
2. 2) T. Higuchi, H, M, Leeperand D. S. Davis: Anal. Chem., 20 1029 (1948)
3. 3) W. B. Dunlap, Jr., C. J. Glaser, Jr. and A. H. Nellen: Anal. Chem., 23, 638 (1951)
4. 4) F. I. Roth and R. D. Stehler: India Rubber World, 118, 367 (1948)
5. 5) I,. V. Cooper, India Rubber World, 119, 205 (1948).