
Minin A.,Kataev R.,Loginov V.,Minina L.,Vodeneeva E.,Lavrova T.,Frolova E.,Krivdina T.


Hydrochemical, hydrobiological and ichthyological studies of the two largest lakes in the Kostroma region - Galichskoye and Chukhlomskoye for the period 2005–19 were carried out. Current state of the fish population in comparison with previous periods was analysed. Area of water bodies was updated according to geographic information systems data for 2017–19. The collection and processing of hydrochemical and hydrobiological samples were carried out according to standard methods. The collection of ichthyological materials was carried out by conventional methods using fry drag, small-mesh seines and fixed nets. The boundaries of the lakes were digitized using Landsat satellite images. The hydrochemical indicators of both lakes are within the limits of fishery standards. The hydrochemical regime of Lake Galichskoye is stable. The rise in the water level of Lake Chukhlomskoye had a positive effect on its hydrochemical regime. It has been established that both investigated lakes are currently, as before, highly productive water bodies. According to the concentration of chlorophyll “a” they have a β-eutrophic status, according to quantitative indicators of phytoplankton development they correspond to a high eutrophic level. According to the quantitative indicators of zooplankton, Lake Galichskoye is a low-forage water body (0.37 g/m3), and Chukhlomskoye is a medium-forage water body (2.12 g/m3). Lake Galichskoye is medium-fodder, and Lake Chukhlomskoye is high-forage lakes for benthofagous fish. According to indicator species of zoobenthos, the water of both lakes is classified as an α-mesosaprobic zone, polluted (quality class IV). The species richness of fish on Lake Galich – 16 species, on Lake Chukhloma – 12 species, ichthyomass – 221.9 and 176.5 kg/ha, respectively. It was noted that in the reservoirs over the past two decades, serious changes have occurred in the structure of the fish population. In both lakes, perch fish were replaced by cyprinids, which is associated with the process of eutrophication. In Galichskoye Lake, after a sharp decrease in fishing load since 2005, there has been a significant increase in the number of small-sized fish species caused a corresponding increase in stocks of predatory species (pike and pike perch). In the Lake Chukhlomskoye, the ecological niche of the crucian was occupied by the bream, which was acclimatized in the reservoir almost a century ago. It was determined that during the growing season the average area of Lake Galichskoye is 7124.3 ± 57.5 hectares, of Lake Chukhlomskoye – 4862.7 ± 14.7 hectares.


Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences

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