
Fedoseeva E.,Terekhova V.


The review is devoted to the analysis of information on aquatic fungi as potential agents of bioremediation of aquatic environments under chemical pollution. Approaches to the classification of groups of aquatic mycobiota based on the duration of existence in aquatic environments and morphophysiological features of species are considered. The known mechanisms of interaction between fungi and pollutants, which result in biodegradation or biosorption of pollutants, and ultimately a decrease in the concentration of chemicals available to other inhabitants of aquatic environments, are outlined. Specific examples illustrating the role of fungal enzymes in these processes are considered. Data are given on the use of fungal strains isolated from marine and fresh waters for the purpose of mycoremediation, and the effectiveness of fungi of different origin in bioremediation is characterized. It is concluded that a more promising direction of microremediation seems to be the orientation towards the choice of biodestructor fungi species that have specific enzymes that can lead to the degradation of pollutants.


Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences


General Medicine

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