Synthetic MMT: Old Line Keynesianism with an Expansionary Twist


Taylor Lance


Expansionary macroeconomic policy with a strong redistributive component is an attractive proposition, most recently launched on the basis of Modern Monetary Theory or MMT. The Theory is a synthesis of familiar ideas, newly relevant but scarcely path-breaking. Its basics – Chartalist or fiat money, functional finance, and models based on consistent national accounting – come straight from Maynard Keynes, Abba Lerner, and Wynne Godley. Functional finance is the heart of fiscalist Keynesianism built upon automatic stabilizers for the business cycle. MMT’s job guarantee proposal is one more stabilizer which could be a modest helpful supplement to the system which exists. National accounting comparisons of a possible MMT package with the 2008 crash and the Trump tax cut are presented with emphasis on autonomous shifts in demand. The package could have problems with debt sustainability and external balance. Inflation is unlikely if wage repression in the USA is not reversed. But strong wage increases are presumably a goal of MMT.


Institute for New Economic Thinking


Institute for New Economic Thinking

Reference18 articles.

1. Aukrust, Odd (1977) “Inflation in the Open Economy: A Norwegian Model,” Oslo: Statistisk Sentralbyrå.

2. A Structuralist Inflation Curve

3. Domar, Evsey D.(1944) “The ‘Burden of Debt’ and the National Income,” American Economic Review, 34: 798-827.

4. Kalecki, Michal (1971) Selected Essays on the Dynamics of the Capitalist Economy, 1933-1940, Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.

5. Keiser, Norman F. (1956) “The Development of the Concept of ‘Automatic Stabilizers’,” Journal of Finance, 11: 442-441.

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