Gender specificities of neurodymanic processes and development of mental disorders with the HIV-infected


Khalezova N. B.1,Rozhkov V. P.2,Khobaysh M. А.3,Zakharova N. G.4,Kissin M. Ya.5,Neznanov N. G.6,Soroko S. I.2,Belyakov N. А.5ORCID


1. Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University; The Centre of Prevention and Control of AIDS and infectious diseases

2. The Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry after I. M. Sechenov

3. The National Medical Research Centre of Psychiatry and Neurology after V. M. Bekhterev

4. The Centre of Prevention and Control of AIDS and infectious diseases

5. Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University

6. Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University; The National Medical Research Centre of Psychiatry and Neurology after V. M. Bekhterev


Objective. The study of gender specificities in adaptive transformation of regular neurodynamic (EEG) processes and also the development of maladaptation and mental disorders among men and women with HIV infection.Materials and methods. The research includes 46 men and 54 women, aged 18 and 60, on follow-up care in St. Petersburg Center of AIDS who didn’t get antiretroviral therapy. Clinical infectious, clinical psychiatric, experimental psychological, instrumental functional diagnostics (EEG). To describe neurodymanic processes, EEG spectral analysis was applied, as well as based on graph theory analysis of the structure of interaction (mutual transition of opposite) between wave components of basic EEG rhythms.Results and discussion. In the group of HIV-infected women the rate of mental illness is higher than in the men’s one. It is revealed the men and women have progressing frequency-dependent EEG changes due to neurotic, stress-related and organic mental disorders. Developing of HIV-encephalopathy among the women is accompanied by the growth of spectral power fluctuation in beta range and among the men — in alfa range of EEG frequency. These changes were most pronounced in the frontal and posttemporal areas both with the men and women that may reflect growing pathological process in structures of limbic system. Comparing to men, HIVinfected women have a higher EEG organization, characterized by high-frequency (beta) core formation of functional EGG rhythm interaction, representing decrease in the plasticity level of self-regulation process and developing stable pathological condition.Conclusion. Тhere are gender differences of psychic reaction on HIV infection, thus, it is necessary to have a personalized approach to patient care, taking into account a higher demand of women in psychocorrectional and psychopharmacological help.


Baltic Medical Education Center


Infectious Diseases,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Immunology

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