Container-title:HIV Infection and Immunosuppressive Disorders
Short-container-title:VIČ-infekc. immunosupr.
Latypov A. B.1ORCID, Valishin D. A.1ORCID, Farshatova E. R.1
1. Bashkir State Medical University, Republic of Bashkortostan
The aim of this study was to assess the dynamics of HIV infection detection rates among various groups of the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2003–2017. Materials and methods. The statistical data of the form № 4 of the Federal state statistical observation «Data on the results of blood testing for HIV antibodies» in the Republic of Bashkortostan for the period from 2003 to 2017 were analyzed. The time interval was divided into three periods of 5 years. For each of the five-year periods, the average number of HIV testing, the number of HIV-infected people identified, the level and structure of HIV detection for different groups of the population were calculated. The average number of blood tests for antibodies to HIV common to all groups of people in 2008–2012 increased from 866 307 to 938 978 compared to 2003–2007, and then decreased to 768 143 in 2013–2017. The average indicator of the number of blood tests for HIV antibodies in the Republic of Bashkortostan was 212,4 in 2003–2007, 231,1 in 2008–2012, 188,8 per 1000 population in 2013–2017. The average number of HIV testing for men who have sex with men decreased 58 times from 232 in 2003–2007 to 45 in 2008–2012, and then to 4 in 2013–2017. The largest increase in number of HIV testing (2,3 times) was registered among foreign citizens from 12 982 testing in 2003–2007 to 29 610 in 2013–2017. The average indicator of HIV-infected people common for all groups of the population increased 3,8 times from 736 cases in 2003–2007, to 1260 — in 2008–2012 and 2796 — in 2013–2017. The largest increase in HIV cases, in the studied period of time, was recorded among people examined for clinical indication — 6,2 times (from 140 to 862 cases), among foreign citizens an increase of 4,3 times was registered (from 10 to 43 cases), among the population referred to the group «other» — an increase of 4,2 times (from 111 to 469 cases). The average detection rate of HIV-infected people, common for all groups of the population increased 4,4 times, in 2003–2007 it averaged 81,8, in 2013–2017 — 356,9 per 100 000 testing. The highest increase of detection of HIV infection was registered among prisoners from 299,5 to 2644,0 per 100 000 testing (8,8 times), among the people examined for clinical indications from 68,6 to 409,1 (6,0 times), among drug addicts — from 805,9 to 4356,4 (5,4 times), among the population referred to the group «other» — from 45,4 to 244,5 (5,4 times). In the structure of HIV detection during the study period there were also changes, the average percentage of the group examined on clinical indications increased significantly from 19,69±1,49% in 2003–2007 to 32,16±0,90%, in 2013–2017, this category was in the first place in the structure among all population groups. There was an increase in the average percentage of the population referred to the group «other» from 15,61±1,36% to 17,50±0,73%, this category occupied the second place in the structure. In the structure of HIV detection, the average percentage of pregnant women decreased significantly from 11,39±1,19% to 6,60±0,48%. The study of the dynamics of indicators of detectability of HIV infection among various groups of the population allows us to determine the trends in the spread of the disease in society, which further makes it possible to apply the data in the development of preventive measures
Baltic Medical Education Center
Infectious Diseases,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Immunology
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