Introduction of preventive nutrition based on local raw foodproducts for rotational employees in the Arctic region: a review


Degteva G. N.1ORCID,Gudkov A. B.1ORCID,Novikova I. I.2ORCID,Shepeleva O. A.1ORCID,Popova O. N.1ORCID


1. Northern State Medical University

2. Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene


OBJECTIVES: To identify the nutritional characteristics of fly-in fly-out workers in the Arctic on the basis of literature sources analysis and the results of our own research, and to judgethe use of food products of local origins.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data extraction and synthesis from the scientific electronic library, RSCI and CyberLeninka, on the study of daily diets for rational employees working in the Arctic are analyzed.RESULTS: The actual nutrition of rational employees during the shift in the Arctic does not fully meet the principles of full value, balance and variety. The quantitative side of the daily diet provides an energy balance, but the qualitative component of the food consumed requires correction. Thus, the need for proteins is provided mainly by meat dishes and lack of fish and seafood. The ratio between animal and vegetable fats is disturbed in favor of animal fats. A deficiency of calcium and vitamins, especially vitamin C, was found in daily ration in the spring season. Vegetables, fruit drinks, and fruits are hardly ever present in daily ration. To improve the quality of rational employees’ nutrition, it is necessary to use widely the products of the local raw material base, such as venison, fish and berries. Venison has an amino acid score close to an ideal protein, and reindeer fat increases the body’s resistance to the cold factor. Fish is an important source of complete protein, as well as a carrier of essential fatty acids of the omega 3, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and vascular accidents. Northern berries contain minor bio-active substances that are involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, have antisclerotic, anti-inflammatory effects, as well as reduce the likelihood of thrombosis and strengthen capillaries.CONCLUSION: The diet of shift workers in the Arctic, which does not fully meet all the principles of rational nutrition, should include products of the local raw material base, such as venison, fish and northern berries, which will improve the quality side of nutrition.


Baltic Medical Education Center


Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health

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