Türkiye’de Etkili Okul Araştırmaları: 2000-2020 Dönemi Makalelerin İçerik Analizi






In this study, it was aimed to reveal the descriptive characteristics, methodical dimensions and general trends of the research articles on Effective School in Turkey published between 2000-2020. These studies have been systematically evaluated through content analysis. For this purpose, 23 articles scanned with the keyword ‘effective school’ and ‘school effectiveness’ were examined in the Journal Park and Google academic databases published between 2000 and 2020. The article classification form developed by Sözbilir, Kutu and Yaşar (2012) was adapted and used for effective school research to examine the articles. The data obtained from the studies examined by content analysis were analyzed using percentage and frequency values. In these studies, it was observed that (I) the concept of an effective school is most often associated with the leadership styles of school administrators, (II) quantitative research method was often used, (III) survey was preferred as data collection tool, (IV)random sampling method was widely used and (V)teachers were chosen most as sample.


Bartin Universitesi

Reference33 articles.

1. Abdurrezzak, S., ve Uğurlu C., T. (2016). Okul liderliği davranış ve uygulamalarının okul etkililiğini sağlamadaki rolüne ilişkin öğretmen algılarının incelenmesi. [Examination of teacher perceptions regarding the role of school leadership behaviors and practices in ensuring school effectiveness] Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 40(1), 2016-242.

2. Akan, D. (2016). Effective school evaluation in primary schools from the dimension of parents. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(1), 134-140.

3. Altun, T. ve Bebek, G. (2016). Öğretim elemanlarının okul geliştirme ve etkili okul paradigmalarının temel bileşenleri hakkındaki görüşlerinin incelenmesi. [Examining the views of the instructors on the basic components of school improvement and effective school paradigms] Alan Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 96- 107.

4. Arslan, H., Satıcı, A., & Kuru, M. (2007). Resmi ve Özel İlköğretim Okullarının Kültür ve Etkililik Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması. [Comparison of Culture and Effectiveness Levels of Public and Private Primary Schools.] Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi , Sayı 51, ss: 371-394.

5. Arslantaş, H., İ., ve Özkan, M. (2014). Öğretmen ve yönetici gözüyle etkili okulda yönetici özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. [Determining the characteristics of the administrator in an effective school from the perspective of teachers and administrators] The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 26, 181-193.








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