Development and Validation of the Cloud Technologies Usage in Education Scale




1. Necmettin Erbakan University


In this research, it is aimed to develop a scale for the use of cloud technologies in education. The sample group of the study consists of 415 preservice teachers who are studying at universities in Konya. For the validity and reliability analyses of the scale, the sample group consisting of 415 units was randomly allocated (=208 and =207) sub-samples, the first sample was used for explanatory factor analysis and the second sample was used for confirmatory factor analysis. As a result of the explanatory factor analysis of the data obtained from the first group, 6-item scale consists of motivation and interaction sub-dimensions. Interaction dimension of total variability alone explains 35.89% and motivation dimension explains 33.56%. Factor loads for the sub-dimensions ranged between 0.74 and 0.83. The internal consistency coefficient was 0.83 for Cronbach alpha, 0.77 for motivation subscale and 0.79 for interaction subscale. For the second sample, it was found that the model formed by the two-factor structure of the scale was appropriate according to the fit indices obtained from the confirmatory factor analysis results. As a result, Cloud Technologies Usage scale was found to be a valid and reliable measurement tool. 


Bartin Universitesi

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