1. Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı
The purpose of this research is to examine the cognitive qualities of the learning outcomes in middle school mathematics and science curricula according to grade levels and learning fields. In the study, case design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used and the data were collected with the help of document analysis technique. The learning outcomes in the middle school mathematics and science curricula published by the Ministry of National Education Board of Education and Discipline in 2018 were discussed on the axis of cognitive domains and sub-dimensions in the TIMSS-2019 evaluation frameworks. Descriptive analysis technique was used to examine the learning outcomes in the curricula. In this context, 215 outcome expressions in the mathematics curriculum and 223 learning outcome expressions in the science curriculum were evaluated. According to the findings of the study, while 46.6% of the learning outcomes in the mathematics curriculum are in the domain of knowing, 36.6% of them are in the applying, 16.8% of them are in the reasoning cognitive domain; 27.1% of the learning outcomes in the science curriculum are in the knowing, 32.4% of them are in the applying and 40.5% of them are in the reasoning cognitive domain. According to the findings, it was suggested that learning outcomes should be updated to include more metacognitive skills, and that primary and secondary teaching programs should be evaluated according to similar frameworks.
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