Solution Focused Brief Therapy Training


ARSLAN Ümüt1ORCID,ULUS İhsan Çağatay2





Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a therapy model that has been practiced since the 1980s. Unlike traditional therapy models, it focuses on solutions instead of problems. The basis of the application of SFBT is the solution-focused questions that have been developed for many years by the method of tacit presence. With the growing interest in SFBT in recent years, specific trainings in this area have begun to be provided. Though there are SFBT Association standards regarding the content of SFBT training, it usually takes two days training in Turkey.  In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the SFBT training by investing view of counselors and counselor candidates, who participated in a SFBT training. To do this, 76 participants were asked about the educational evaluation of the Northwest Brief Therapy Training Center via the Google form, and 50 people completed to answer these questions. This study is researched by the qualitative research design, and it is preferred to collect data by open-ended questionnaire using case study method. Results are displayed on Google form and coded in response to given responses. In conclusion, for most participants, practicing in counseling under supervision is the reason to attend the training, counseling practice activities that they are most satisfied with, and they thought more counseling practice activities could be in training. It has been observed that the SFBT training has had a positive impact on some of the participants' professional and personal opinions about themselves and encourages participants to improve themselves in their fields. Lastly, participants stated that they would like to have a longer duration of SFBT training.


Bartin Universitesi

Reference32 articles.

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5. Birdsall, B., & Miller, L. (2002). Brief counseling in the schools: A solution focused approach for school counselors. Counseling and Human Development, 35 (2), 1 – 9.







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