University students’ achievement is influenced
by a number of factors. Academic self-concept and organizational factors are
among the significant ones. This study aims to investigate the effects of
academic self-concept and organizational factors on university students’
achievement and to discover whether this varies according to such variables as
gender, grade, place of accommodation, educational status of the parents, and
preference. The sample of the study consisted of the randomly selected 450
university students attending private and state universities in provincial
Ankara. The data were collected using Matovu Academic Self-Concept Scale and
Organizational Factors Scale. As a result of the study, it was found that
gender, the grade, the place of accommodation, administrative services and
practices, and physical setting and equipment positively affected student
achievement. Further studies are needed to investigate the combined effects of
the variables, including academic self-concept, thought to have an effect on
student achievement at university. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5096-3233
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