Çizgi Filmlerin 5. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Çevre Okuryazarlığı Alt-boyutları Üzerine Etkileri: Su Elçileri Örneği


GÜN ŞAHİN Esra1,ARSLAN Harika Özge2





The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of an animated cartoon series on middle school student’s sub-dimensions of the environmental literacy. A quasi-experimental pre-post design with a control group is utilized. The sample is 33 volunteer 5th-grade students who attended intact classes. The objectives of the “Human and Environment” unit set the framework of the implementation and distance learning was used in both groups. In the control group, lecturing supported with presentations, interactive activities, and questioning was used during 5 weeks of the implementation. In the experimental group, the content and the activities are the same as the control group except watching animated cartoons. Episodes of the “Su Elçileri” series matched with the content and objectives of the unit were watched with the sequence of the objectives of the unit. It is ensured that the students realized the environmental problem discussed in each episode and think like the characters in the animated cartoon series. Research data were collected using Environmental Knowledge Test, Affective Dispositions towards the Environment Scale, Environmentally Responsible Behavior Scale, and Environmental Problems Attitude Scale. The findings indicate that exposure to the “Su Elçileri” animated cartoon series results in significantly better improvement in environmentally responsible behaviors and the attitude toward environmental problems than the control group. The findings draw attention to animated cartoons as a teaching strategy in environmental education and science education, especially in younger age groups.


Bartin Universitesi

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