AbstractImplementation of ISO Quality Management System (QMS) at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Maliki) Malang shows the spirit of the modernization of the campusmanagement system. Application of ISO QMS is intended to facilitate the leaders of thecampus to meetStandard of BAN-PT while building TQM. This research is focused on thecomparative analysis of the implementation of ISO QMS, the role of Standard of BANPTandapplicationofTQMinUINMalikiMalang.Theapproachusedisqualitativeresearch,withdatacollectiontechniquessuchasinterviews,observationanddocumentstudy.Thisresearchfindsthat,amongothers,UIN’sleadersandinternalstakeholdershavesoughttoimplementtheclausesofISOQMScorrectlyandconsistently;andandincreasetheinvolvement of academicians in sustainable campus quality improvementefforts. Implementation of QMS ISO becomesa medium to fulfill the Standard of BANPTas wellas the foundation for the implementation of TQM.
Al-Jamiah Research Centre
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2 articles.