Progress in Research on Land-use Transformation


Xia Liheng,Li Yanan,Sun Yutong


Land use transition refers to the trend of land development and use patterns at a specific time and in a specific area, and it was firstly proposed by foreign countries in the study of forest land change, which at first referred to the sudden change of forest land area in the mutual game between stakeholders, and gradually evolved into a new way to study land use/cover change (LUCC). At the beginning of this century, it was introduced to China by our scholar Professor Long Hualou, and was first explored in practice, and received great attention from academics and the government. The connotation of land use transformation is constantly enriched and evolved, and at the beginning of entering China, it was used to characterise the corresponding temporal changes of land use structure and form in the process of economic and social development. With the deepening of research and the improvement of China's land resource management level, land use transformation has not only portrayed the overall structural changes in land use brought about by different stages of economic and social development, but has also gradually penetrated into the study of the transformation of land subtypes, and the connotation of land use transformation has also expanded from land use structure to the two major aspects of explicit and implicit transformation of land, with a greater focus on subtle and implicit transformation of land use brought about by economic and social development. It focuses more on the subtle and hidden transformation changes of land use brought about by economic and social development. According to the current academic understanding of land use transformation, the definition of land use transformation can be summarised as the process of changing land use patterns from one state to another, driven by changes in economic and social development, which includes both explicit (quantity, area, space) and implicit (quality, property rights, function, etc.) land use changes, reflecting the changes in a particular stage of economic and social development. It reflects the game and conflict regulation process of land use patterns between different interest subjects and sectors at a specific stage of economic and social development.


Boya Century Publishing







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