Credit card is a sign of credit that is given to customers with good credit by a commercial bank or credit card firm. It takes the shape of a card with signature blank space on the back and the name of the dissipated bank, expiration date, CVS number, and cardholder name on the front. A credit card is a payment card that can give the cardholders’ abilities to enable the cardholder to exchange for goods and services based on their credibility and debt score. In this paper, it will explore the credit card fraud detection predictive model to avoid fraudulent activity. Through different algorithms, the study could easily show the potentially fraudulent activities in the given dataset. In order to effectively combat credit card fraud, a number of techniques have been developed and put into practice, including different supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms to predict fraudulent activities. These techniques will be used to compare between the actual dataset and estimated models to illustrate the full picture. The credit card fraud is a challenging problem, especially it is prevalent during college students.
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