Predicting the Price of Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Ethereum by Machine Learning


Liao Siyi


Contemporarily, blockchains and cryptocurrencies have gained their popularity among investors and hedge funder, where both have bright prospects. On this basis, cryptocurrencies have been used in trading more and more with the development of website and computer. In this case, their prices fluctuations do have great significance to the public. This paper chooses three machine learning model (i.e., XGBoost, LightGBM and Linear Model) to predict the price of three cryptocurrencies (i.e., Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Ethereum). To be specific, this study uses the data from 2020-01-01 to 2022-12-07, including close price, open price, high price, low price, and the volume of trading coins. According to the analysis, Linear Model can predict the price best, with well-fitted trend prediction and accurate price prediction. In addition, other models can also have good predictions but they are not better than Linear model. These results can help others to predict the price of cryptocurrencies and have a deep understanding of cryptocurrency and machine learning.


Boya Century Publishing

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