1. How to protect general practice from child protection
2. MacMillan HL (2010) Research brief: interventions to prevent child maltreatment (PreVAil (Preventing Violence Across the Lifespan Research Network) London, ON) http://www.prevailresearch.ca/ (accessed 9 May 2011).
3. Beyond the specific child What is ‘a child's case’ in general practice?
4. (2000) Framework for the assessment of children in need, Department of Health (The Stationery Office, London) http://www.archive.official-documents.co.uk/document/doh/facn/fw-02.htm (accessed 9 May 2011).
5. (2009) Safeguarding children and young people. A toolkit for general practice, 2009 revision, Royal College of General Practitioners and National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (The Royal College of General Practitioners, London) http://www.rcgp.org.uk/clinical_and_research/circ/innovation__evaluation/safeguarding_children_tookit.aspx (accessed 9 May 2011).