1. World Health Organization (2023) World Hearing Day 2023. accessed. https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-hearing-day/2023. 12 Jun 2023.
2. RNID: Royal National Institute for Deaf People (2022) Online hearing check. accessed. https://rnid.org.uk/information-and-support/take-online-hearing-check/. 12 Jun 2023.
3. RNID: Royal National Institute for Deaf People (2022) National ‘Check your hearing’ campaign: Over a third of UK adults with no diagnosed hearing loss say they’ve pretended to follow conversations they can’t hear. accessed. https://rnid.org.uk/2022/09/national-check-your-hearing-campaign-over-a-third-of-uk-adults-with-no-diagnosed-hearing-loss-say-theyve-pretended-to-follow-conversations-they-cant-hear/. 12 Jun 2023.
4. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (2018) Hearing loss in adults: assessment and management [NG98]. accessed. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng98. 12 Jun 2023.
5. RNID: Royal National Institute for Deaf People (2022) Wearing hearing aids linked to slower decline in thinking and memory. accessed. https://rnid.org.uk/2022/02/wearing-hearing-aids-linked-to-slower-decline-in-thinking-and-memory/. 12 Jun 2023.