1. Refuge sees online traffic to its National Domestic Abuse Helpline website rise by 700% Refuge 2020 9 Apr https://www.refuge.org.uk/refuge-sees-700-increase-in-website-visits (accessed 12 Jun 2020).
2. Refuge reports further increase in demand for its National Domestic Abuse Helpline services during lockdown Refuge 2020 27 May https://www.refuge.org.uk/refuge-reports-further-increase-in-demand-for-its-national-domestic-abuse-helpline-services-during-lockdown (accessed 12 Jun 2020).
3. Heise LL Ellsberg M Gottemoeller M Ending violence against women (population reports, series L, 11) Baltimore, MD Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, Center for Communications Programs 1999
4. Home Office Domestic Abuse Bill 2020: factsheets 2020 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/domestic-abuse-bill-2020-factsheets (accessed 12 Jun 2020).
5. Intimate partner violence and women's physical and mental health in the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence: an observational study