1. British Medical Association (2022) Damning survey results reveal scale of junior doctors’ hardship. https://www.bma.org.uk/news-and-opinion/damning-survey-results-reveal-scale-of-junior-doctors-hardship (accessed 31 Jan 2023).
2. Nuffield Trust (2022) How many junior doctors are there in England? https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/chart/number-of-foundation-and-specialty-training-places-junior-doctors (accessed 31 Jan 2023).
3. Number of FY2 doctors moving straight into specialty training falls again
4. UK Foundations Programme (February, 2020) 2019 F2 Career Destinations Survey.
5. Are there differences between those doctors who apply for a training post in Foundation Year 2 and those who take time out of the training pathway? A UK multicohort study