1. Shembavnekar N Buchan J Bazeer N (2022) Projections: general practice workforce in England. https://www.health.org.uk/publications/reports/projections-general-practice-workforce-in-england (accessed 13 Jun 2023).
2. In full: Charlie Massey’s speech on SAS doctors: Pulse 2023; 22 Mar: https://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/special/workforce/in-full-charlie-masseys-speech-on-sas-doctors (accessed 13 Jun 2023).
3. Khan N (Nov 10, 2022) SAS doctors – the solution to the GP workforce crisis? BJGP Life, https://bjgplife.com/sas-doctors-the-solution-to-the-gp-workforce-crisis (accessed 13 Jun 2023).
4. Health Education England (2021) Record number of 4000 GPs accepted on training placements. https://www.hee.nhs.uk/news-blogs-events/news/record-number-4000-gps-accepted-training-placements (accessed 13 Jun 2023).
5. General Medical Council (2019) What do we know about specialty and associate specialists and locally employed doctors? Working paper 9 — March 2019, https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/education-centres/training/documents/sas-and-led.pdf (accessed 13 Jun 2023).