1. 2016 ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with EACTS
2. Public Health England or National Screening Committee (2014) The UK NSC recommendation on atrial fibrillation screening in adults (NSC), https://legacyscreening.phe.org.uk/atrialfibrillation (accessed 22 May 2017).
3. British Cardiovascular Society (2014) BCS statement on screening for atrial fibrillation to prevent stroke (BCS), http://www.bcs.com/pages/news_full.asp?NewsID=19792297 (accessed 22 May 2017).
4. Screening versus routine practice in detection of atrial fibrillation in patients aged 65 or over: cluster randomised controlled trial
5. Atrial Fibrilliation Association and Anticoagulation Europe (2011) The AF report. Atrial fibrillation: preventing a stroke crisis (AFA and ACE), http://www.preventaf-strokecrisis.org/files/files/The%20AF%20Report%2014%20April%202012.pdf (accessed 22 May 2017).