1. Department of Health (2010) Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS (DOH, London).
2. NHS England 2013 , Improving general practice — a call to action http://www.england.nhs.uk/ourwork/com-dev/igp-cta/ (accessed 9 Oct 2013).
3. The Scottish Government Better Health Better Care: Action Plan, http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2007/12/11103453/0 (accessed 9 Oct 2013).
4. Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Transforming Your Care; Vision to Action NI Health and Social Care Board, 2013, http://www.dhsspsni.gov.uk/tyc.htm (accessed 9 Oct 2013).
5. Welsh Government (2012) Together for Health: A five year vision of the NHS in Wales, http://wales.gov.uk/topics/health/publications/health/reports/together/ (accessed 9 Oct 2013).