1. Hepatitis C
2. Public Health England (PHE) (2020) Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring (UAM) Survey of HIV and viral hepatitis among PWID: 2020 report (PHE, London).
3. Health Protection Scotland, Glasgow Caledonian University, West of Scotland Specialist Virology Centre (2019) The Needle Exchange Surveillance Initiative (NESI): prevalence of blood-borne viruses and injecting risk behaviours among people who inject drugs (PWID) attending injecting equipment provision (IEP) services in Scotland, 2008–09 to 2017–18 (Health Protection Scotland, Glasgow).
4. Sexual transmission of hepatitis C virus among monogamous heterosexual couples: The HCV partners study
5. Sexually transmitted hepatitis C virus infections: current trends, and recent advances in understanding the spread in men who have sex with men