1. Future-proofing primary health care: GP recruitment and retention in the new NHS
2. Department of Health (2008) A high quality workforce: NHS Next Stage Review (Department of Health, London).
3. Centre for Workforce Intelligence Shape of the medical workforce: Informing medical specialty training numbers, http://www.cfwi.org.uk/publications/medical-shape-2011 (accessed 11 Oct 2013).
4. Trends in doctors' early career choices for general practice in the UK: longitudinal questionnaire surveys
5. Health Education England Business plan 2013/14 (Health Education England, London) http://hee.nhs.uk/wp-content/blogs.dir/321/files/2013/07/HEE-Business-Plan-13-14-10-July-2013-Final.pdf (accessed 11 Oct 2013).