1. 1) D. GREENSPAN: Discrete Models, (1973), [Addison-Wesley Publishing Co Inc., Massachusetts]
2. 2) R.H. MACNEAL: Quart. Appi. Math., 11 (1953), p.295
3. 3) G.M. DUSINBERRE: Heat Transfer Calculations by Finite Differences, International Textbook Co., (1961), p.85
4. 5) W.R. HODGKINS and J.F. WADDINGTON: Moving Boundary Problems in Heat Flow and Diffusion, J.R. OCKENDON and W.R. HODGKINS, (1975), p.26 [Clarendon Press, Oxford]
5. 6) D.J. CAMPBELL and D.B. VOLLENWEIDER: Proc. of the Eastern Joint Computer Conf., (1959), p.143