1. 6) C. BRUN, P. PATOU and P. PARNIERE : Metallurgy of Continuous-Annealed Sheet Steel, ed. by B. L. BRAMFITT and P. L. MANGONON, Jr., TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA (1982), p. 173
2. 7) R. R. PRADHAN and E. D. MELCHER : Mechanical Working and Steel Processing XVIII, Iron and Steel Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA (1980), p. 34
3. 8) T. GL.ADMAN, D. DALIEU and I. D. McIVOR : Microalloying 75 (1976), p. 32 [Union Carbide Corp., New York]
4. 9) M. F. ASHBY : Oxide Dispersion Strengthening, AIME, Warrendale, PA (1966), p. 61
5. 10) N. J. PETCH : J. Iron Steel Inst., 173 (1953), p. 25