1. 2) T. KAWAWA : Preprints of The 2nd Japan-Germany Seminar, (1976), p. 167 [ISIJ]
2. 3) T. NOZAKI, T. MORI, and M. KAWAHARA : Ironmaking Steelmaking, 4 (1977), p. 355
3. 4) P. STADLER, K. HAGEN, P. HAMMERSCHMID, and K. SCHWERDTFEGER : Preprints of The 4th Japan-Germany Seminar, (1980), p. 201 [ISIJ]
4. 12) F. WEINBERG : Solidification and Casting of Metals, (1979), p. 235 [The Metals Society, London]
5. 16) T. ARAKI andK. GUNJI : Preprints of The 2nd Japan-Germany Seminar, (1976), p. 91 [ISIJ]