1. 1) J. CHIPMAN: General Discussion; Physical Chemistry of Process Metallurgy, Pt 2, Interscience, Pgh. Conf. of Met. Soc. AIME, (1959)
2. 2) F.D. RICHARDSON: Activities in Ternary Silicate Melts, Physical Chemistry of Steelmaking, John Wiley, (1956), p.68
3. 3) H.L. BISHOP, H.N. LANDER, N.J. GRANT, J. CHIPMAN: Equilibria of Sulfur and Oxygen between Liquid Iron and Open Hearth Type Slags; Trans. AIME, 206 (1956), p.862
4. 4) Physical Chemistry of Steelmaking Conf. of AIME: Electric Furnace Steelmaking, Ch. 17 Slags by G. Derge. John Wiley.
5. 5) F.D. RICHARDSON and L.E. WEBB: Oxygen in Molten Lead and the Thermodynamics of Lead Oxide-Silica Melts. Trans. Inst. Min. and Met. 64 (1954-5), pt. 10, p.529