1. 3) O. KUBASCHEWSKI and B. E. HOPKINS: Oxidation of Metals and Alloys, (1962), p.108 [Butterworths and Co. Ltd., London]
2. 4) J. C. MEASOR and K. K. AFZULPURKAR: Phil. Mag., 107 (1964) 10, p.817
3. 6) O. KUBASCHEWSKI and B. E. HOPKINS: Oxidation of Metals and Alloys, (1962), p.6, 10 [Butterworths and Co. Ltd., London]
4. 9) M. ISHIDA and C. Y. WEN: AIChE, 14 (1968) 2, p.311
5. 13) R. G. OLSSON and W. MCKEWAN: Met. Trans., 1 (1970), p.1507