1. 2) J. W. CAHN : Acta Metall., 4 (1956), p. 449
2. 3) S. A. SALTYKOV : "Stereometric Metallography", 2nd. ed. (1958), p. 446 [Metallurgizdat, Moscow]
3. 4) ASTM Designation E 112
4. 5) I. KOZASU, C. OUCHI, T. SAMPEI, and T. OKITA : Proceedings of Microalloying 75 (1975), p. 100 [Union Carbide Corp., New York]
5. 6) A. SANDBERG and W. ROBERTS : "Thermomechanical Processing of Microalloyed Austenite"; The Metallurgical Society of AIME (1982), p. 405