1. 5) H.P. KLUG and L.E. ALEXANDER: X-Ray Diffraction Procedures, 2nd ed. (1974) [John-Wiley, New York].
2. 6) H.STUART and N. RIDLEY: JISI, 207 (1969), p.368
3. 7) R.TANAKA, M.KIKUCHI, and S.WAKITA: Proc. Japan-U.S. Seminar on the Physical Met-allurgy of Heat Resisting Alloys, (1972), p.34
4. 8) M.KIKUCHI, S.WAKITA, and R.TANAKA: Trans. ISIJ, 13 (1973), p.226
5. 10) C.STAWSTRÖM and M.HILLERT: JISI, 207 (1969), p.77