1. 1) C. STAIB and J. MICHARD : J. Metals, Jan. (1965), Part I, p. 33 (1965), Part II, p. 165
2. 2) N. JUSSEAU, J. C. COCHERY, C. STAIB, R. VASSE, and Ph. BECE : Proc. Intern. Conf. of Autom. on Iron and Steel Making 1970 (Luxembourg), B-3
3. 3) K. KATSURA and T. YAMAMOTO : Proc. Intern. Conf. of Autom. on Iron and Steel Making, 1965 (Amsterdam), B-9
4. 4) R. VIDAL, J. LÜCKERS, and G. MORE : Proc. Intern. Conf. of Autom. on Iron and Steel Making, 1970 (Luxembourg), B-6
5. 5) R. NIDAL, J. LÜKERS, A. Poos, G. More, and R. Delacharlerie : Inter. Meeting on Iron and Steel Making 1976 (Brassel), Preprint, 3. 2. 6