1. 1) M. HANSEN: Constitution of Binary Alloys,(1958), [McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.]
2. 2) G. LÜTJERING and E. HORNBOGEN: Z. Metallk., 59 (1968), p.29-46
3. 3) C. E. LACY and M. GENSAMER: Trans. Amer. Soc. Metals, 32 (1944), p.38-110
4. 4) A. S. KEH and S WEISSMANN: Election Microscopy and Strength of Crystals,(1963), p.231 [Interscience Publishers, New York]
5. 5) W. P. REES, B. E HOPKINS and H. R. TIPLER: J. Iron Steel Inst., 169 (1951), p.157-168