1. 1) Al. E. SHANK, C. E. SPAETH, V. W. COOKE and J. E. COYNE: Metal Progress,(1959) Dec., p.84-92
2. 2) G. L. HANNA, A. R. TROIANO and E. A. STEIGERWALD: Trans. Amer. Soc. Metals, 57 (1964), p.658-671
3. 3) P. C. HUGHES, I. R. LAMBORN and B. B. LIEBERT: J. Iron Steel Inst., 203 (1965), p.728-731
4. 5) NACE Technical Practices Committee: Materials Protection,(Sept. 1966), p.81-82
5. 6) C. M. HUDGINS, R. L. MCGLASSON, P. MEHDIZADEH and W. M. ROSBOROUGH: Corrosion, 22 (August 1966), p.238-251