1. 9) A. TAGAYA, H. CHIBA, F. TSUKIHASHI and N. SANO : Metall. Trans. B, 22 (1991), p. 499
2. 11) The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, The 19th Committee on Steelmaking : Steelmaking Data Sourcebook (1988), p. 279 [Gordon and Breach Science Publishers]
3. 12) C. WAGNER : Metall. Trans. B, 6 (1975), p. 405
4. 14) E. T. TURKDOGAN and J. P. PEARSON : J. Iron Steel Inst., 175 (1953), p. 393
5. 15) F. D. RICHARDSON and J. H. E. JEFFES : J. Iron Steel Inst., 160 (1948), p. 261