1. 3) N.P.Allen : Iron and its Dilute Solid Solutions, ed. by C.W. Spencer and F.E.Werner, Interscience Publishers, (1963), 271.
2. 4) H.H.Kranzlein, M.S.Burton and G.V.Smith : Trans. AIME, 233 (1965), 64.
3. 5) J.Nunes and F.R.Larson : Trans. AIME, 227 (1963), 1369.
4. 6) M.Gensamer : Trans. AIME, 215 (1959), 2.
5. 7) W.P.Rees, B.E.Hopkins and H.R.Tipler : JISI, 188 (1954), 218.