1. 1) K. B. Sorenson and R. Salzbrenner : The Mechanism of Fracture, ed. by V. S. Goel, (1985), p. 415 [ASM]
2. 5) IAEA Safety Standards, Safety Series No. 6, Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, (1985)
3. 6) W. L. Bradley and M. N. Srinivasan : Int. Mat. Reviews, 35 (1990)3, p. 129
4. 15) T. Yasunaka, K. Nakano and T. Saito : ISIJ International, 31 (1991), p. 298
5. 16) British Standard 7448 Part 1, (1991), Fracture Mechanics Toughness Tests