1. 1) M. F. GARWOOD, H. H. ZURBERG and M. A. ERICKSON : Interpretation of Tests and Correlation with Service, ASM (1951), p. 1
2. 5) Y. MURAKAMI and T. ENDO : The Behavior of Short Fatigue Cracks, EGF Pub., ed. by K. J. MILLER and E. R. de los RIOS, 1 (1986), p. 275 [Mech. Eng. Pub.]
3. 7) T. ARAKI : Proc. Int. Symp. on Inclusions and Their Influence on Material Behavior, Chicago, Illinois, ASM (1988), p. 149
4. 8) W. L. MORRIE : Metal. Trans. A, 7 (1976), p. 1345
5. 13) Y. MURAKAMI and T. ENDO : Proc. Fatigue '81, ed. by F. SHERAT (1981), p. 431 [Westbury House]